By Tonya Richardson; R.O.S.E.S., Inc. VP of Scholarships

As a former school administrator, I have seen, firsthand, the need for mental health support for students. In addition to regular issues that young people normally have, COVID-19 brought on additional issues that weighed heavily on only the world and our nation, but young people specifically. The isolation, change in routine, loss of loved ones and consistent images and stories on social media weighed heavily on the minds of young people. When I heard about R.O.S.E.S., I breathed a sigh of relief that there was an organization devoted to helping young people with mental health. I believe strongly in the mission of R.O.S.E.S. in their strive to help support the mental health field in multiple ways.
R.O.S.E.S.’s program that provides free mental health services to young people is just the type of program that is needed at a time when so many need this type of support. The program will fill in the gap for those who may not have access to or funds for such services. As we see a proliferation of those who are in need of services, R.O.S.E.S also provides scholarships to encourage those studying to become mental health professionals. The organization covers two areas of need when it comes to mental health and I firmly believe in the wonderful work that is being done to help the community.