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Saving many worlds one person at a time

Dr. Peter Reznik

By Dr. Peter Reznik, Head of Counseling

R.O.S.E.S., Inc.

Psychologist Jordan Peterson wrote, “Most people are not mentally ill, they're just overwhelmed by the complexity of life.” My years of experience support this statement. As technology evolves, sharing of information changes, and family structures modernize, the inner struggles and complexities of navigating life evolve as well. Not everyone has developed the tools needed to deal with the challenges of "modern day life".

R.O.S.E.S. found its way into my life and is now giving us the opportunity to help those who may need the support and guidance in dealing with these rapid changes, and not get it otherwise. As the Talmud cites, “the one who saves a man saves the world.” We have an opportunity to save many worlds.

I found myself on the R.O.S.E.S. board as a result of coincidence, and a 40+ year career doing exactly what this organization strives to do: helping those that need help and educating those that want to help. Four years ago, my son Aaron became the student of our founder, Jaya. She was his PR professor at the University of Maryland, class The two stayed in touch after he graduated, and when she eventually told him about her new non-profit, he immediately thought of me.

I've helped thousands of patients around the world deal with mental and emotional issues across the board, and have first-hand experience dealing with mental distress throughout my life and the lives of people close to me. Please join me in this important cause, and this wonderful organization.

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